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Black Olive Paste

Black olive paste combines cane olives and extra virgin olive oil and gives an excellent taste to many appetizers and side dishes thanks to its properties. Ideal source of vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and sodium.


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SKU: 2331 Category:
Weight 245 g

Νutritional value / Θρεπτική αξία Per/Aνά 100g


Energy/Ενέργεια: 291kcal
Proteins/Πρωτεΐνες: 1,6g
Carbohydrates/Υδατάνθρακες: 2,6g
Of which Sugars: 0.9g
Fat/Λιπαρά oξέα: 29,6g
οf which saturated: 3,8g
Dietry fibres/Φυτικές ίνες: 3g
Salt/Αλάτι: 4g