Our Produce

Traditional harvesting

The Chondroelia Igoumenitsas variety of olive thrives exclusively in the north of the area. Consequently, the olive oil yield is available in limited qualities and is thus referred to as monovarietal (monopoikiliako). Additionally, due to the height of the trees and the morphology of the ground, olive harvesting is conducted in the traditional way (whipping and workers collecting the olives on the trees).

Monitoring our Tress

We follow very closely the evolution of the cycle of development of the olive: (germination, blossom, fruiting, fruit ripening) in all the main olive producing zones and we strive to predict early on the zones which will yield the top quality that we expect.

Love for our country

The love for the place that raised us, the place that filled us with beautiful moments and tasty memories, is the motivation for our effort, an effort that aims to offer the possibility to other people to combine their beautiful moments with a tasty and quality food.


Yielded at one of the oldest olive groves globally at the north of the Thesprotia area, this is a rare and especially exceptional variety of oil.


Its characteristics are its splendid and balanced flavour, its impressive colour, its low acidity and its high anti-oxidant and polyphenol content